What do we do?
Scientific rigour, comprehensive management and originality to achieve happiness. These are the pillars of the project. The three basic pillars on which a top quality informative and expository communication is based. We aim to meet your needs through tailor-made designs and perfect staging to ensure a final product that meets your requirements. Are you looking to develop a science communication project? Eureka! At Esciencia you will find the solution!
Scientific dissemination
Todo preparado para tus necesidades. Grandes eventos, congresos, jornadas de divulgación, visitas didácticas y dinamizadas, semanas de la Ciencia e Innovación y galas. Además, espectáculos, divulgaciones en pequeño formato, exposiciones, programas de fomento del talento, ferias y concursos. ¡También nos da por elaborar manuales educativos!

Scientific leisure and free time
We are a lure to move the public thanks to our performances and staff specialised in itinerant events. Thematic urban camps with science as a transversal axis in school leisure periods. We also offer escape games, accompanying services in research residences, actions in shopping centres and institutional events in town halls and municipalities.

We offer a professional information and advice service on scientific matters. We provide coverage to companies and organisations for events and initiatives at various levels. We work on different projects related to the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) - Ministry of Science and Innovation.

European projects
We have a group of experts with extensive experience in the planning, development and implementation of EU-funded educational and research projects. Previous experiences in the sectors of education, e-learning, social inclusion, training, coaching, design of tailor-made activities and material show our added value as coordinators and partners of Erasmus+ KA2 and HORIZON projects.

Some of our partners