It is time to say goodbye to Women Hack the Game (Woga) after two intense years of work and commitment... Although it is a shame to say goodbye to our first European project, we can say that we are very proud.
This initiative aimed to promote knowledge of women scientists, as well as their discoveries and their impact, among secondary school students and teachers. We have managed to awaken students' critical thinking about gender parity through different challenges that have allowed them to investigate the results obtained by women in the scientific field.
In addition to the videos and educational material, the highlight was Hackday in the participating countries (Spain, Ireland, Italy, and Romania), where students were lucky enough to confront and develop a work plan on an idea to encourage the work of women in science.
Este evento, y todos aquellos retos llevados a cabo en algunas escuelas europeas, nos ha permitido alcanzar un muy alto nivel de participación del que tenemos que reconocer estar muy contentos. ¡Nada menos que 800 personas han sido partícipes de las actividades!
For our part, we promise to continue working on future ideas to achieve a notion of Europe in line with its objectives. We now leave Woga in your hands to promote its dissemination and application in the educational environment. We trust in all of you!